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[Other Embeded program用于FS2410的Qt嵌入式图形开发实战篇

Description: t嵌入式图形开发实战篇 嵌入式应用的开发工作基本上是在工作站或是PC 机上完成的,我们在工作的机器上调试运行嵌入式应用,并将输出结果显示在一个仿真小型设备显示终端的模拟器上。在开发的后期,我们要根据我们选择的嵌入式硬件平台,将嵌入式应用编译链接成适合在这个硬件平台上运行的二进制目标代码,另外由于应用使用到了Qt/Embedded 的库,所以我们还要将Qt/Embedded 库的源代码编译链接成为适合在这个硬件平台上使用的二进制目标代码库。当一个Qt/Embedded 应用被部署到小型设备上,并可靠的运行,这样一个开发过程才宣告结束。 介绍如何在一台装有Linux操作系统的机器上建立Qt/Embedded开发环境。 并教初学者认识Qt/Embedded 开发环境。-t embedded graphics development PART real embedded applications development work is basically in the workstation or PC End 10% of our work on the machine running debug embedded applications, results showed that output will be in a small simulation equipment display terminal on the simulator. Late in the development, we need to according to our choice of embedded hardware platforms, embedded applications will be compiled into a suitable link in the hardware platform running on the binary object code, As the application to use the Qt/Embedded libraries, So we need to Qt/Embedded for compiling the source code for the link as the hardware platform so the binary object code library. When a Qt/Embedded applications are deployed in small devices, and reliable operation, such a development p
Platform: | Size: 867328 | Author: 高颖峰 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxsave-to-flash-2410

Description: 三星2410-arm920t处理器在Linux环境下在用户层直接读写flash!-Samsung 2410- arm920t processors in a Linux environment the user to read and write directly layer fl ash!
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 姚雪松 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux2410qydriver

Description: fft 2410 linux 部分驱动 报扩 ad da 数码管 led -fft 2410 linux driver reported some expansion of the digital ad led da
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: xwb | Hits:


Description: 华恒LINUX试验指导书(非常详细) 2410+LINUX-huaheng LINUX pilot guide book (very detailed) 2410+ LINUX
Platform: | Size: 2809856 | Author: 飞翔 | Hits:


Description: JXARM9-2410实验箱步进电机Linux驱动代码.rar-JXARM9- 2410 experimental box stepper motor driven Linux code. Rar
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 张三 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxmutil-thread-shedule-for-2410

Description: linux多线程调度器for s3c2410-linux multithreading scheduler for s3c2410 .......................
Platform: | Size: 2789376 | Author: 周宇 | Hits:


Description: 第一章 嵌入式LINUX 开发基础知识 第二章 基础实验 第三章 MINIGUI 程序设计 第四章 内核实验 第五章 驱动模块实验 第六章 无线通讯实验 第七章 附录
Platform: | Size: 5582848 | Author: 丽华 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux2410-linux2.6.22-dm9000

Description: 2410最新内核linux2.6.22上dm9000网卡驱动源码,供学习参考用-err
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 梁振成 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxarm-linux

Description: 该压缩包里面含两个源码,一个是LED流水灯实验,一个是按键控制源码。里面都包括驱动程序和相应的应用程序,开发平台为arm-linux-gcc,所用ARM板为ST2410.-Compression inside the package containing the two-source, a LED light water experiment, a source button control. Which includes the driver and the corresponding applications, development platform for the arm-linux-gcc, used by ARM board for ST2410.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 刘贵华 | Hits:


Description: 2410/linux环境基本实验源码,包括helloworld,线程,串口,AD,DA,CAN总线,GPS,GPRS,键盘驱动等-Experimental 2410/linux environmental source, including the helloworld, threading, serial, AD, DA, CAN bus, GPS, GPRS, keyboard-driven, etc.
Platform: | Size: 562176 | Author: 打火石 | Hits:


Description: 三星 2410 linux BOOTLOAD 引导程序 -Samsung 2410 linux BOOTLOAD Boot
Platform: | Size: 406528 | Author: ww | Hits:

[Embeded Linux2410-Sshiyanzhidaoshu2007.05.29

Description: Linux 价格低廉、功能强大,可以运行在X86,Alpha,Sparc,MIPS,PPC,MOTOROLA,NEC,ARM 等硬件平台上,而且开放源代码,可以定制。我们所介绍的硬件平台是基于ARM 体系结构, 由北京博创兴业科技有限公司开发的UP-NetARM3000 和UP-NetARM2410-S 实验仪器。 UP-NetARM3000 的CPU为ARM7TDMI内核的三星S3C44B0X01 芯片,由于没有MMU(内存管理单 元)只能运行uClinux,UP-NetARM2410-S的CPU为ARM920T内核的三星S3c2410 芯片,由于 有MMU可以运行标准的ARM-LINUX内核。通过这两个平台,我们可以学习嵌入式LINUX中的针 对有MMU和无MMU的不同开发过程-Linux cheap, powerful, can run on X86, Alpha, Sparc, MIPS, PPC, MOTOROLA, NEC, ARM, such as hardware platform, but also open source, can be customized. We introduce the hardware platform is based on the ARM architecture, from Beijing Fiberxon Industrial Technology Development Co., Ltd. UP-NetARM3000 and UP-NetARM2410-S experimental apparatus. UP-NetARM3000 the CPU for the ARM7TDMI core S3C44B0X01 Samsung chip, in the absence of MMU (memory management unit) can only run uClinux, UP-NetARM2410-S for the CPU Samsung ARM920T kernel S3C2410 chip, as has MMU can run standard ARM-LINUX kernel. Through these two platforms, we can learn for embedded LINUX in MMU and MMU have different development process
Platform: | Size: 6080512 | Author: guole | Hits:


Description: Linux根文件系统,用mkcramfs编译,已在ARM9 Linux操作系统上调试通过-Linux root file system, use mkcramfs compiler has ARM9 Linux operating system debugging through
Platform: | Size: 7742464 | Author: 张红 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxLinux(2410)

Description: linux一直到ARM平台(三星2410)的详细步骤,包括bootloader,uboot的移植和编译,开发环境的搭建和配置,非常详细-linux until the ARM platform (Samsung 2410) detailed steps, including the bootloader, uboot transplant and compiler, development environment set up and configure, very detailed
Platform: | Size: 1026048 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded Linux2410-linux.pdf.tar

Description: 在 NANDFLASH 上建立完全独立于宿主机的 linux 系统, 目的是总结个人在学习嵌入式 linux 的过程中获得的一些经验和教训,让爱好 ARM 和 linux 的人们在探索的路上少走一些弯路。 -In NANDFLASH establish completely independent of the host of the linux system, aimed at summing up the individual in the learning process embedded linux gained some experience and lessons learned, so that ARM and linux-loving people in exploring the road less take some detours.
Platform: | Size: 325632 | Author: 更勤 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux2410-nfs.pdf.tar

Description: 我们如何编译适合的自己的嵌入式 linux 内核及如何设置 NFS服务。-How can we compile a suitable own embedded linux kernel and how to set up NFS services.
Platform: | Size: 737280 | Author: 更勤 | Hits:


Description: Linux 下,MagicARM2410 外部中断实例程序-Linux under, MagicARM2410 external interrupt examples of procedures
Platform: | Size: 409600 | Author: rgz | Hits:


Description: 2410 linux 内核移植文档,很好使用,共享。-linux kernel porting demo.
Platform: | Size: 1027072 | Author: | Hits:


Description: arm 9 2410 + linux 使用 gprs 通信模块上网-arm 9 2410+ linux use Internet communication module gprs
Platform: | Size: 274432 | Author: garfield trump | Hits:


Description: 2410开发板的linux系统的烧写,包括VIVI,内核,应用程序的烧写-2410 development board linux systems programming, including VIVI, kernel, application programming
Platform: | Size: 654336 | Author: 项谊弟 | Hits:
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